For Sale (OH): 10GPM 3500PSI

First off, do we have a “for sale” section on this forum? I can never seem to find one, but I wouldn’t mind seeing it.

This is not mine, I just came across the listing and thought I’d share if anyone is looking…

I know nothing about the igx series, comet pump, less then 800 hours, seems like a good price for the machine.

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Thats not far from me (indy) and a good price. He said he put those 750 hours on in one summer, seems high for one summer. But I may go pick that up. Thanks for the share!

Dang, that’s roughly 10 hours a day, six days a week, for three months… maybe he meant season. Like I said, I’m not too knowledgeable about the IGX, but it sounds like it has more electronics. Otherwise, it’s still a Honda, and if it’s been even slightly maintained, it’s not even halfway through its lifespan, right?

That’s what I was thinking, 1 season. The IGX is fuel injected. Thats a good deal, as long as I can see it run and it works I may pick that up

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