Football Field Bleachers

I am looking for some info on what to use to clean these bleachers up. It’s all aluminum and next to nothing around it I would have to worry about chemical getting on. Below it is just rocks.

I will include a few pics but there is mostly just black algae growth so I was thinking just get a good mix of sh (maybe day if I can get it strong enough) and then do a quick rinse to knock off whatever is left. Is that the best way to take care of aluminum bleachers or would the sh do damage before it cleaned? I have seen where others said they used an aluminum brightener but I wasn’t sure if they had to deal with so much organic growth. Any help is appreciated!

I’m going to be putting together an estimate after I get my process down for sure but if if anyone has done something similar and want to let me know how they priced it that would also be appreciated (by row, sqft, etc). Thanks!

Im following this closely lol…
I just quoted a football stadium for washing 3 concession stands inside and out… they already called to be put on the schedule

Hot water mild soap and nothing else to do that day

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Here is a video of aluminum bleachers we cleaned last year. Looks almost identical to yours. Customer did not want us to use chemicals, we used cold water, surface cleaners on the seat and foot area, wand for everything else. Lots of rinsing. Turned out great.


Thanks for video. I like the surface cleaner on the seats. I think I’ll order the 19" now.


Thanks @gbattle
You disappear(probably busy)and then swoop in with quality information. I always appreciate yours Posts.


Hey thanks I think I’ll do that everywhere I can and maybe get a house wash mix everywhere else!

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Did you end up using any chems? I’ve got the same thing tomorrow.

Diggin the logo @Hawkeye


Thanks I appreciate it

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@somefosterkid Hey Justin, what state are you in? Looks like softwash city over there. I can only image what your area looks like.

Disregard, I found you. Never moving there

I clean a set of bleachers yearly. I use hot water and no chemicals per the manufacturer. They turn out great. I price based on how long I thought they would take. First year I completed them in one day (about 12 hours). Now, I do them over two days. Still takes about 12 hours but allows more attention to final details. I only have one unit but have a friend helping to pull hose and take over when my arm gets tired. Never tried my surface cleaner (next year). Lots of surface area and nooks and crannies that a surface cleaner can’t touch. I just work from the top down, one row at a time. working from the center out. Im using a 5gpm machine.


Great company name. I literally love it.

Sorry I totally forgot to reply here but yeah I just ended up downstreaming straight sh and it turned out pretty well. Have a 4-6 gpm injector on my 8gpm machine so that may have made it a bit weaker, but just applied a few times and kept it wet and only had to go over some spots.

Don’t blame you haha!