Fleet GPM

Was thinking about splitting my 6 GPM/3500 PSI unit to wash faster. I’ve read about back pressure and how that can be hard on your system. Was told if it was used properly it wouldn’t hurt. With all that said, has anyone washed a semi with 3 GPM?


Yes, I’m using 3gpm and not enough flow. I’m upgrading to 8 gpm and heat!

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Sorry I didn’t say this earlier, but thanks. I didn’t spit my 6. Just bought more crap instead lol. Thanks for letting me know 3 wouldn’t have been enough


I started with a 2700psi 2.5gal to fleet wash and it was a major pain, I upgraded to 2 4000/4gpm cold water units which has cut my wash time drastically but i plan to upgrade to 8gpm hot water

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