First time to use EBC... Advice?

I’m doing another commercial job tonight and tomorrow. Here is the street view of the bakery I’m doing tonight.

It’s a pretty new building (a few years old) and the concrete is fairly clean. They have an outdoor eating patio that wraps around their corner and there is general dirt from traffic and also lots of stains from spilled coffee and stuff like that.

After my last job, I picked up some EBC per the recommendation of basically everyone. Before doing so, I called EBC and clarified if DS’ing was okay. They told me people use is as diluted as 60/70:1 in some cases and it still works well.

Is the best way to clean this concrete to DS the EBC on (20:1 DS injector) then let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then hit everything with the surface cleaner then rinse it off?

This same bakery has a grand opening Monday and they want me to clean the sidewalk at their new location. I’m doing that tomorrow. This location is in the hood and the streets are pretty disgusting. Lots of gum and the sidewalks are really dark. Heavily trafficked and also lots of trees so they don’t get much sunlight. Here are photos of that location. Would you guys recommend still DS’ing the EBC prior to surface cleaning this location? If there would be any differences in how to approach the two different locations because of the degree of dirtiness, I’d love to know.

Note that in one of the photos you can see wand marks marks on the sidewalk. The bakery owner said the contractor doing the construction was supposed to clean the sidewalks and that’s the result after he was done.

For general cleaning like both of those ds 5oz of EBC per gal, just about an oz stronger than they rec. Can add just a little bleach if you want, it’s stable but will help where bakery is. Like I add 2 gal of SH to a 10 gal mix of EBC I keep on trailer.


So if I DS’d directly from the 5 gallon EBC container, I’d be applying it way too strong? If so, would I be less wasteful by mixing EBC with water in a separate 5 gallon bucket then DS’ing that already diluted mix, causing it to be diluted even more than 20:1?

I guess I’m just not sure how to measure out 5 oz per gallon when I’m downstreaming with a DS injector. I’d love to know though if you didn’t mind explaining a little further.

What does it mean to “DS?”

Down stream

How did that job turn out?