First thread - diy truck bed build

At least that’s what I’m told. I would assume if the company has the proper insurance to do work it would cover all types of work they do. My LLC filing hasn’t come back yet. I went with legalzoom and so far it has been a waste. I’m giving them till next week before I find someone else. From what I have seen so far there isn’t any licensing needed in Texas except for a reclaimed water transport permit which is ridiculously expensive. One of the supply companies I bought chemical from has also said it is not necessary for what I intend to do.


So, if I have a pressure washing company but someone calls me to replace their roof and I mess it up I should be okay?

I doubt it but if the roofing company bought a roof cleaning company I would assume they also up the insurance to cover the services they planned to provide. I have not seen proof of their insurance. When I have cleaned driveways i am working as an employee for the roofing company. I would certainly hope they are covered if I were to screw something up. My business I am filing for has no involvement in cleaning… yet.

Well that’s not good lol

Is this your equipment and vehicle? If so you shouldn’t be working under his company… You have to be positive you’re covered for what you’re doing and not just hope for the best.

If they are 1099’ing you then technically everything used for the job has to be yours, such as equipment, vehicles, chemicals, insurance, etc.

Local Firm was $250 to establish LLC, for 2 different businesses. Call around.

I suppose my focus will be on the legal side of things vs all the techniques and equipment. Time to study up!


If legalzoom fails I will look into that. Thanks.

You can have the best equipment money can buy but if you don’t know the correct processes and procedures then it’s all worthless. Also, it sounds like you’re using your equipment to do work on your employer’s behalf and just hoping that nothing goes wrong. Meanwhile, you have no insurance, are not a fully formed company, are completely vulnerable to lawsuits and are risking your personal assets. It would really suck to hand the keys to that nice pickup over to an attorney that is representing whoever’s driveway, roof or whatever that you messed up.


i would have to agree with you on that. i did jump in head first on this and the more i read the more i need to take a few steps back and slow down. i am looking into insurance now and will wait to get my business filing back from legalzoom (hopefully). i am goin to ask the roofing company and how it their insurance is set up.

the feedback is greatly appreciated. would hate to lose it all before it begins.