First Estimate: Two Story Gutter Clean Out - Need Advice

I’m just getting in to the House and Gutter Cleaning business and got a call for an estimate on this two story home. The house and siding are relatively clean, but the homeowner would like for the gutters to be cleaned out. The height of the gutters make me a little nervous. How would you best approach cleaning out these gutters? Appears that there will be a lot of climbing up and down to move the ladder. I have seen where Alex Curry uses a gutter cleaner on the end of an extendable pole. I’m thinking this will be a must in this situation. Any guidance or suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated!

I’m also unsure of what to charge. The home has a total of 180 feet of gutters, but this 42 foot section of the home appears to be the problem spot.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Chase Lord
M.E.G.A.H. Pressure Washing
Augusta, Georgia

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If that is the only tree around the home, that’s probably the only section with anything in it. I like to use a j shaped accessory that connects to the end my wand. Depending on wand length you can reach the gutters pretty easy.

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The Gutter Scope is a Great option and you can use it and clean a good distance before moving a ladder. If your not use to ladders or heights make sure you have a good flat surface to secure the ladder. Order a Ladder Max for your Ladder Stabilizer. If you feel you need a ground guy bring one with you to help secure the ladder and help in moving it. Gutter Cleaning is a very profitable addition to a business but also a very dangerous one due to mistakes made on ladders and Falls. Personally I would set the ladder about 2-3 feet from the corner and make sure the down spouts are clean and clear. Then with the Gutter Scoop and Pole extend the Pole about 6-8 foot and clean that section. Move the ladder to the next area that you would clean which would be about 6 foot past the previous cleaning area. Repeat until your at the end. If your going to Flush the Gutter out with water to make sure there are no more clog’s safe bring up the water hose with a Garden Nozzle Attached and Rinse the Gutter out and look for clean water flowing out the gutters.

3 Likes -Scoop

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Thank you so much, Alex!

Any time

Get a vacuum… Been vaccing 10 years and hardly ever use ladders.

What kind of vac are you using?