Finally some Me time

My wife and my kids are at my in laws tonight. Washed all day, cleaned house and put my kids toys away. I’ve been looking forward to a cigar and good bourban all day. Hopefully I can stay awake past 10pm tonight. Lol. Now a days my me time is usually on the toilet where no one wil bother me for 10 mins.


lol same here… my wife left out Fri to go back home to see her mom and dad for the weekend. iv washed yesterday and today and got done around 12:30. I also cleaned the house up washed some clothes and been relaxing for the past 2 hrs.

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Even when you get done work for the day your not “off” when you have kids… or a wife for that matter. Lol


Preach it @Clean_Blue lol

My me time is in the truck between jobs! My 4 year old is sitting next to me at the moment insisting I look at her ice cream change colors as she stirs it… I love being a dad and husband, but god do I love when they go somewhere for the weekend!

Sometimes my wife doesn’t understand that I am NEVER alone anymore. I’m either at the office dealing with safety stuff across campus or I am home with them. Washing houses and truck time is my only time where I can just sit in silence! I can’t even take a relaxing hot bath and chat with all you in silence lol

That’s an image y’all can’t unsee!

I just got out of bed to snap these pics. No grown man shpuld take, or admit to taking a bath lol. I pulled out tub out of the master bath and put a walk in shower

with 2 heads



Oh buddy the tubs filling as I type this lol! I even put in bath salts! Really relaxes the aching bones!


I go to the chiropractor once a week
Pedi once a month
1 hour deep tissue massage a month.
and bubble bath once in a while with salt and mint


I can’t say I do any of this! I like a massage once or twice a year! I REALLY WANT one of those zero g massage chairs. But at 5 grand it’s a big wish…

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Guess I’ll put off the bath! Wife used all the hot water… Gotta catch up on Chicago Fire

I barter a lot.
One of my clients is a chiropractor, so i just walk in no appointments necessary, he knows i cant keep them.
He has physical therapy on site, so i get massages for my wife and i.


Seems like a good deal!

Barter is good, i eat out all weekends on it.
Different restaurants, even dentists
Only bad thing, no gas or groceries

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How do you even fit in a bathtub? I’m 6’3” and haven’t been able to get in a bathtub since I was a kid. Totally agree about the no grown man thing tho.

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Either the feet are kicked up on the wall or crossed “Indian style” and I’m 6’3 330 lol

I’m putting a 6person hot tub in the garage this summer! For now this is my bliss.


I’m just 230. Definitely sounds like more work then it’s worth lol a hot tub I can definitely deal with though

Well I’ve been in here an hour now! Only trouble I have is getting hot water in this house! Wife takes too long of showers. I was going to install an on demand water heater but I realized she would just live in the shower if I did…


Opposite for me. I’m at home with the kids, decided to wait until there to bed to change the oil in both the trucks. Started the first one at midnight. Got it done, fired up the truck, oil starts spraying from the oil filter all over the brand new garage floor. Drain all 8 quarts again, remove filter, the old gasket was stuck to the housing when I put the new filter on. Truck is still on the ramps sticking halfway out the garage, all my equipment is in the driveway boxed in by the other vehicles until I can go to oreilleys in the morning and start all over. A simple task turned to a disaster.

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Sorry that happened to you. You should know a guy to get it cleaned up :wink: Definitely have to make sure that O’ring comes off. I’ve never had that to happen using a quality filter (k&n, wiz, or mobile one) bu multiple times if it’s been a cheaper filter. Orielys house brand seems to be the absolute worst. I’m pretty picky about what I run in my equipment though. It’s an investment take care of it and should last you or whoever ends up with it virtually forever.