Finally getting started on buffer tank

Been busy and kind of dragging my feet… finally got everything and gonna knock out this tank so i can get washing

Curious to know where you got that container from and for how much? I understand you may not even be in the same state, but still wondering. 7 gals?

Is that a 15 gallon ?

It is a 15 gal tank, itll be used for house mix. Got it from some local place for $10, no clue what name was found them on Craigslist.

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Have 1” suction hose to run to run all the way to the machine and will reduce it at the last fitting. Still need a fitting for cam lock for supply hose.

This is what i think is right… comments or advice more than welcome… @Racer @squidskc @Innocentbystander or whoever.

PressureTek on top of things again… right around 48 hours and order was here

You have a white 55 gallon tank for your buffer and a blue 15 gallon tank for house wash right?

Correct… wish 15 gal was white, but didnt have any.

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When you do a little buffer like that, do you have to mount it at a certain height or do you have to prime the pump or does it pull the water up?

Someone else will have better knowledge but if staying hooked up it would be fine i believe… for me ill be unhooking after each use due to small enclosed trailer, so ill pull the cord a few times prior to starting to help prime pump.

Someone else can correct me if I’m wrong but the blue keeps light off your chems. UV breaks down SH. At 15 gallons SH probably won’t be in their long enough to matter, but I wish mine was blue.

As far as the buffer tank… I’ll dig into that after my 2nd cup of coffee.

@Donut what’s the gpm of your máquina?

Yeah im not hating the blue, but white wud be nice to see how much i had left in the tank…

Machine is 5.5

Looking at your pics and reading what you wrote so far it looks like you got it. If your supply hose is at the bottom and the inlet of your pump is at 6 inches high, if on the ground. Fill your barrel up to 12" and your pump is primed. Easy day.

If it’s at 2’, fill your barrel to 3’.


With belt drives and gear drives the pump is going to prime itself within a half a second and not enough time to get hot.


Also, other people have opinions on the matter that differ, but my personal opinion is I want to filter water coming into the tank and leave flow to pump inlet as wide open as possible.

Both my filters are before the tank and always have been*.

Not always. 1st iteration was before the pump.


Yes and that makes sense with the filters… with in hole in top of drum not sure i can take chance. Itll be a short run of hose so hopefully wont be too bad.

Hoping i can get last few fittings today and have everything running tomorrow.

Try some local car wash places. They’ll give them to you for free.

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