Favorite music to listen to while working?

If you’re between the age of 28-40 and dislike Sublime and/or Beastie Boys, there’s a 78% chance you’re also the type of person who listens to Nickleback, dislikes warm chocolate chip cookies, and hates large breasted women.


*92% you’re being generous


That made me laugh out loud


What about those of us who like them, like nickleback, LOVE warm chocolate chip cookies, and like the women?

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you must have typed incorrectly - your reply said you “like nickleback” - Please clarify.

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Puddle of mud & Disturbed

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Hard rock music isn’t really my thing, but to each their own.

My Apple Music radio stations aren’t very different from each other. My current favorite station is based off of Landon McNamara’s Deep Water. Reggae and ska and old punk music is my thing.

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Yep, I do. I also love hardcore, death metal, jazz (classic and fusion), blues, classic rock. Especially Rush. I’ve relatively diverse when it comes to music. If there’s some talent involved, then I love it. As a guitarist and bassist, I find it difficult to appreciate “music” that is made via computers and not actual skill on an instrument.


B-52’s, Ramones

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I have heard of the group beastie boys but never heard them. Never heard of sublime or the nickle back group. I have also never eaten a chocolate chip cookie. I’ll be 48 Saturday so maybe I’m out of the age group.


I’m just messing with you, dude. Music is music. If it makes you groove then that’s all that matters. I love all kinds of music too. If you play bass, check out Vulfpeck. Super funky band with killer bass lines. I advise listening to their song”1612”


LOl I know. The only time I get super defensive about the stuff I listen to is when my wife gets on me about it…but then again, I can’t stand most of what she listens to either. I’ll definotely check them out. Never heard of them, but I appreciate suggestions.

Bing em.

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NIN :slight_smile:

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My ninja !!! Yes !! Slayer, skinless, dying fetus, nasty, reduction, and on certain occasions I’ll listen to sucerful of secrets or animals in their entirety. I listen to everything tho. I really enjoy indie too !!

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Infamous! Butcher ! Angel of death !!! Lol

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This should show my age. I remember when both were released :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I heard this mashup…it actually works pretty well.