Facebook Automated Ads

Glad to hear it’s working for you.

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It’s not working so well for me any more. I’m up to like $90 spent and I haven’t had a lead since $50 spent.

Nothing is guaranteed with anything. But I hope you get leads regardless. I’ve seen a little drop off at times then I get slammed.

Any changes? I continue to receive feedback from people around the country reporting large returns. I do have ups and downs with it myself but overall large returns.!

Unfortunately not. It’s baffling to me. Sometimes an ad gets numerous responses in just a few days’ time, and then the same ad will get no returns for days and weeks after that. I know there must be some trick, but so far there seems to be no rhyme or reason to any of it.


How is this working for everyone? I continue to see large 20 to 1 returns off of it.

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I’m so busy I’m trying to catch up, but hope to start this next month.

I feel you. My next open date is July 1st.


Ads still going well @TexasPressureWashing?

Saw the July and August slow down typical of the season but yes they are performing well.

Based on your other thread post your population size seems to be the issue. I am based in Houston. A 36 mile radius gets me 4 million people on my ads. A 25 mile is 3 million.

My ability to “throw things at the wall” and have them stick is massive. But that’s back to business planning. I chose Houston for the climate, location, and demographics of the industry. I pulled government data Nationally and for my top 3 cities. Then I dug down into median income areas and home values when chose my house to buy. There wasn’t anything about me starting this company that wasn’t planned far in advance. Hope that helps explain why I think my ads are successful.

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Wow, it’s cool that you planned so far in advance like that. When you do the ads do you do any more detauled targeting location-wise or is it just a radius? I don’t mind driving 1.5 hours around. In fact, I think I’d enjoy that little bit of travel.
