Excited and scared

So i obviously started learning here and built what i have amd my knowledge mostly off of this forum. Have sent some estimates, passed competitors on the road, and have landed a couple jobs scheluded for when this up and down ohio weather breaks. Truth is i have done my process amd am confident w my work. Its all real now tho and it feels awesome and i owe it to all yall that helped me gain knowledge. I hit the street today just being a polite human and explained to homeowners my services amd future goals w this business. Not a single person shot me down or acted as if i was cold calling them. Most loved the fact a human being wanting to express their passion to grow was purveyed to them. Will they all call? Prob not. But they at least have a contact.


This is also my first year marketing more than word of mouth…

That’s awesome…keep it up Joe!

What are you doing for marketing?