Equipment in Europe


I live in Portugal and really want to start my pressure washing business,
In the beginning I want to star with a machine that has a GX390 Honda motor and a reliable pump, I want something compact like the Simpsons pro or industrial line systems,
I might go with a gx690 if I could find it with a pump for around 5000€,
My question is that in Europe we don’t have Simpson resellers, and what I find on the internet is way more expensive than what they sell,
Can you tell me good websites or alternatives for what I need?
I know what I need to buy for the rest of the equipment and I found it online in Europe, but the machine itself is giving me a hard time to find a good deal and something that I can get information to know if it is reliable enough,

Thank you and if I need to give more information let me know,
Glad in advance for all your help!

Might want to just contact a few pressure washing companies there in your area and ask what their supplier is. Most people on this board are in the US, Canada and Australia/New Zealand.

Thank you for your reply but I don’t know many companies that offer their services publicly, I’ll try to reach them but probably they won’t share their suppliers, but it’s worth giving a shot!

One strategy people here use is to find a company not too close, offer to take a couple day trip and work for/with them for free to learn, and make a connection. People are usually happy to help, especially if you won’t be in the same city chasing the same clients,

There was a person from Spain on here trying to get set up, I can’t recall his name. He would have been the closest to you that I recall. We have had several from the Mediterranean area, so maybe look them up on here and see if they respond to an email for information. They may not be all the close to you geographically, but they all commented about having difficulties getting equipment.