Entry level pressure washer

I would like to get started washing residentials. Can you guys give me your thoughts on this pressure washer? Would this be a good entry level machine? What else would I need to get started soft washing? It says it comes with downstream injector. I like the j rod and think I would get one of those as well. Please give me your opinions or any advice you have. Thanks in advance.

I think it’s a good machine to start with. I started with a lot smaller haha. I’m not sure where you’re from but I have a nearly identical one that I’m selling. It’s a DeWalt with the same engine and pump and is in great condition. Asking $600 and I’m in west Michigan. My number is 2698942446 if you want pics, it won’t upload here for some reason.

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8gpm 3kpsi

Not good


Used the same one for awhile and actually started with smaller. Have a graveyard of pumps in the shop too. Struggled through a job a day with that garbage, but it helped me get going. Wouldn’t do it again if I had it to do over.

Save your money and buy a belt drive 5 gpm or higher so you can do 2 jobs per day or more.

If you’re stubborn and have limited patience here’s a better “entry” level unit. http://www.pressuretek.com/beltdirivencat.html

Will 5gpm require a buffer tank. I’ve read 4gpm was a safe number to just run off a garden house. Thats the reason I was looking at that particular one

If 4 gpm is a safe number, buy a 35 gallon tank to buffer from. They’re dirt cheap.

Unless water pressure in your area is notoriously low you may use it twice a year. If you can fill up a 5 gallon bucket in 60 seconds you’re safe. I run 5.5 and have used a buffer tank exactly one time on a residential job. Just remember that you can’t pull water with a direct drive anyway. So if you need the buffer tank it’s far better to have the belt drive.

Also, the pumps on the unit you’re looking at have a 5 year warranty, but I have a pile of them I can’t get Simpson to warranty because I put them on myself instead of a service center. It’s literally 4 bolts. The only thing that pressure washer is is an expensive nice little Honda. (Edit: Good luck getting the pumps to work for 6 months. They put the bottom of the totem pole pump on these things.)

4 gpm will work for residential, but watch @Racer 's videos. ProClean Exterior on YouTube. He has a 4 gpm and an 8 gpm and in one of his videos, he can correct me if I’m wrong, but barely uses the thing now. Watch how fast he knocks out this house wash with the 8 gpm.

I ran this model, 4 gpm, and when I upgraded to a 5.5 the 20+% difference, being able to leave it on the trailer and running hoses, helped me go from 1 job a day to 2 jobs consistently. I’m about 30 days from buying an 8 gpm skid from Pressuretek and next season will put 3 blocks on the calendar instead of 2 for residential days.