End of Season stats for my 2nd year

Well my season is just about wrapped up (04/15-09/09). I have enough chemical to do one more roof wash and thats about all she wrote and since it takes a month to get here im just about done unless its house washes and with the weather up here starting to change, i don’t see too many.

Last year I dont know my closing percentages but i had around 28 jobs and made 35k gross as a side gig.

Looking at my customer factor percentage, I closed 50% of all my estimates. I did 70 jobs. My goal this year was to do 100 jobs so i fell short. Secondary goal was to gross a certain monetary amount which i did…barely :smiley:

What do i need to work on…

  1. Generating more leads
  2. Getting more online reviews ( I got 10 reviews this year so now 12 total on google)
  3. Increasing closing numbers

What I did learned…

  1. That I have a lot more free time doing this than being away at sea 2 weeks at a time
  2. Roofs are probably 80% of my revenue this year
  3. I need to order more product initially so im not fighting with supply issues. My chemical distributer is literally the worst. I will be looking into other alternatives this upcoming season.
  4. That people that tell me they know a lot of friends and family and can pass along my information to them if i do some work for free have a special circle in hell reserved for them :stuck_out_tongue:
  5. I can realistically bump my numbers up by about 50% and then i’m going to be swamped/burned out so i need to look into potentially hiring a helper.
  6. I make about 20-30x an hour doing this vs my state job but i have benefits. I need to look into that if I want to make this my main focus next year.

Final Thoughts
I feel much better about this year than last. I am still learning but feeling more comfortable talking to people and tackling bigger jobs. I am still spending a ton of time on the forum(s) and soaking up knowledge. With year 3 coming into play I am interested to see if i get any year 1 repeat business and to see what kind of rotational cycle needs to be built up. Stuff went wrong but i had the correct tools and replacement parts on hand to weather the storm, I only had to use my backup 4gpm unit from last year once while getting stuff squared away with repairs. I need to buy a boat condo to have heated storage for my rig out of the elements. That would be ideal. I know i can winterize and all that jazz but long term solution is to have a shop that i can call my own. I am currently paying 550$ a month for half a boat condo for at least this winter and 250$ for another storage unit across the street. Thats a LOT of overhead and definitely just a stopgap measure for the winter. Ill figure something out, I always do!


Good synopsis. Still think you should buy a 5.5 or 6gpm hot water skid. Would extend your season on both ends plus land more commercial jobs. Plus when you’re out washing when others aren’t you get more attention from neighbors and people passing buy. I’ve never lost a residential job when I actually talk to them in fall and spring explaining the benefits of using warm water. And in a small town like yours word will get around pretty quick among commercial customers that you have hot water. It opens up a whole other world to you. Everything from oil based spills in drives to regular commercial work.


I’m 100 percent on board with you @Racer . Experience changes your perspective. This last winter I was sweating different expenses because I was unsure of what I could make. Now that I have a better understanding of what I can make I won’t be as nervous spending money and absolutely think hot water would help me on my shoulder seasons as well as be great for marketing.

I think being in the hole like I was at the beginning of this season also didn’t help with that and it feels good to be free…or almost free :joy: Im still waiting for taxes to bite me but have put almost everything i earned right into the bank.

I’m a little bummed about not having more chemicals and my season ending a little earlier than I’d have liked but when 15 gallons of SH costs 119$ plus 50 deposit I really didn’t want to end up holding the bag and having a bunch go bad. There was times where it would take me 1.5 months or longer to get my product through the distributor.

I believe next year I will be trying to get 275 totes delivered and skip the middle man.

This is, to me, is half the fun of running the business. Reflecting back on the year and setting goals for next year. Winer gives you lots of time to think about that to do next year. Best of luck to ya and enjoy your hibernation.

Flip flop those priorities, adjust your average ticket expectations for next year, and plan on…

That is mostly dependent on you, and following up to remind people it’s time again (and setting that expectation when you book them the first time).

Nice work! Love to see people makingit happen!

LOL their friends also want it for free ! :rofl:

I was in this same situation 2 years ago, I was slaving for 2 masters, my 27 year job with good pay and benefits and my side PW & WW business.

Thanks to the encouragement of my wife and some planning- I quit my stable job and focused entirely on my business- was the best decision I could have made, in retrospect I had a lot of fear.

Income has tripled and flexibility is awesome, some stress yes- but at the end of the day there is always trade offs.

Get your ducks in a row, set the goal, get your fam on board and go for it Sheep :muscle:t3: