EDDM Epic Fail

I don’t answer the door either. BUT some do. Probably as many as don’t throw the junk mail away but its hard to say no to a live person


I agree…it has been the only thing that has worked for me.

And, I am about to put it to the test in a larger town, nearby, in about 2 weeks.


Well, EDDM builds brand. Since I have little to build on, my response was low. I WILL NOT abandon EDDM, but I’ll do what I did for 12 1/2 years in the feds: maintain low expectations. I will choose limited areas where my best customers live and build brand where I already have a presence.

'Sup Jordie @Jordie?


Radius Bomb is another option for laser targeting.

What is radius bomb? have you had any luck with it? can you share your experience? i have heard of this term used but not sure what it is

I’ve not used it yet but seriously considering.

Its an app by Josh Latimer whereby you isolate areas on a map (radius) down to a single dwelling if you choose, and send mailer directly (bomb) to that area.


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HBH? Means?

Heart break hotel!


I’ve used radius bomb 4 times to include over 500 mailers with no luck. Not one call.

How long ago did you try that?

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