DS and XJet to create a strong mix

Cleaning a large stone warehouse with multiple black mildew streaks throughout. I typically remove mildew with pressure via a boom lift. This time we are allowed to use chemicals. Can the mildew be removed by soft washing?

If the DS isn’t hot enough, has anyone used an X jetting while down streaming?

an example

Everyone is going to ask for more info/pics…but DS should be fine to get mildew in general. If it’s porous then maybe you’d need to Xjet it

very porous

No you aren’t, but kudos if you’ve got people thinking you are and are getting paid for it I guess. DS and xjet are the way to wash

"No you aren’t, "
Yes, I am and have many times.

I think he means not completely…you’re knocking the surface mildew off, but the way to really remove it is to treat it with something that goes to the root. Of course, if they’re paying you to do it regularly, this will make it last 2-3x longer before you need to come back too… :joy:

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Correct. They typically ask that chemicals not be used and are happy with seeing the dark streaks removed.

No, you aren’t, but this could be an endless conversation. I don’t have to sleep in your bed so I don’t care.

agreed and considering your input is limited to “no you aren’t”, Its not much of a convo anyway

No you haven’t


Someone get the poll going. We need to get to the bottom of this.

Lol, I think he means well. But, bleach kills mildew, not water.


Curious, please reply.
What results, if any, would you get when you spray this short brick wall with high pressure water?


@DMVDave You’d have water on the brick wall as a result of spraying it with water


@DMVDave you would get water on the ground as well. Why are you just spraying it with water and not cleaning it?

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was asked not to use chemicals. Just water

when you surface clean a walkway without chemicals are you cleaning it or just spraying it with water?

Nope, need chemicals to clean. If they want a half ■■■ clean they can call a half ■■■ company

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Just spraying it with water

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When you shower, do you use soap or just rinse off with water? Personally, I like to use shampoo and soap, depending on the application. FYI, I put soap in our dishwasher and washing machine as well and don’t rely on the water to clean things.