Download from the store

I downloaded the employee handbook to troubleshoot on desktop and i could not scroll down. Text was at about 150% and only the disclaimer page loaded.

I don’t need the document. Just was troubleshooting.

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I had my wife try on the desk top computer at home and she said it wouldn’t download into the computer. If anyone has a copy and can mail it to me I’ll be glad to pay you for your troubles

So odd! It’s working perfectly for me. I’ll take another look at it. Thanks for jumping in after hours while I’m not here.

PSA - @Jordie is the best people!!!

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A member had a copy and told me it was a copy of a handbook for another company, not a template. It’s not what I needed and I don’t want to get busted for copywrighted stuff lol. Much thanks Jessica for helping. I think I’m too computer illiterate to get stuff of the internet into my computer anyway.

I just tried downloading it a couple of days ago and it did the same thing to me. It wouldn’t let me scroll past the disclaimer. I believe the document is from Chris’s window cleaning company (the owner of the forum). You can confirm when you are able to open the document if it mentions All County Window Cleaning then I am sure you are free to make changes as necessary and use for your company since he owns the site and is giving it to paying members.

I’ve given up on downloading. I have put it in a shopping cart a couple of times, re entered passwords over and over, followed links in emails in my phone and the desk personal computer, I know my limits :slight_smile: I bought a membership awhile back to get access to it but couldn’t figure it out then either. If it belongs to Chris I guess it is ok to use it. I tried to buy one from a cat named Scrappy on PT State a few years ago but I don’t think he ever decided to sell them. Maybe someone can print it and take pictures of it and post it.

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Yes, it a template from Chris’s old company. 100% safe to use if you are a member.

I can’t post it publicly here on the forum because it is a private document for members. If you can’t figure out how to download files just email me a list of templates you’d like off the site and I will send you the direct download links manually via email. Usually solves the problem instantly.

@JessicaPWR I’m in the same boat as Will. I have all but given up on getting marketing materials or docs from the PWRA because the process is so complex and time consuming. I know they are secretive and all that but surely there is an easier and faster way to access documents.

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Sorry to hear that!

I’m very open to walking through anyone how to download documents on the phone. We have many members downloading templates every day. If the process is to overwhelming I am more then happy to send you anything you need manually, via email. Just send me a list of what you need! :slight_smile:

I get what you are saying but for what’s it’s worth I am suggesting a streamlined process for PWRA members. What you have outlined above is literally a 5 step process. What I am suggesting is a page only accessible to PWRA members with a thumbnail, a description of the document and a download button below it.


Thanks for the feedback! There is still some bugs to work out since we just transferred over to the new store. We are working on it!