Down streaming surfactant

Does it make sense to down stream only surfactant? Is that even doable or recommend? I live in Arizona where we see little to no organic growth on our homes or flat surfaces. Is SH still needed or recommend when there is no organic growth?

I’ve done it a few times on upscale Hardie board houses that just had dirt on them. Definitely helps loosen the dust and dirt.

You’ll need to play with dilution ratios as downstreaming straight surfactant will be massive overkill.

I don’t think surfactant does much as far as cleaning power goes. I’ve downstreamed degreasers when I couldn’t use bleach. But that always leads to scrubbing :frowning:

Organics are present 100% of the time even if you can’t see them. Use SH, even if it’s at 40:1. I’ve done plenty of Hardie board that looks clean and I go 40:1 with my hw mix and you still see areas that change because your killing algae or mold you didn’t see

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