Door Hangers...thoughts?

I was going to add a qr code to my door hangers, website, and even business card. After doing some research on them they say they didn’t achieve the goals that the creators had hoped for. One of the main reasons is people didn’t have the patience to use them. By the time you open the app and scan the code it’s faster to type or speak the web address in. There are also people who say they’re gaining traction.

Out of all my friends and relatives not one person uses them. I tried scanning one once years back but I couldn’t get it to scan properly. I haven’t tried one again since. They say only 21% of people have ever scanned a qr code and only 2% scan them regularly. Then again, they take up such a small amount of space I don’t see how it would hurt anything but it doesn’t sound like they have any market value.

Nice to see you here Guy. I have gained a lot of knowledge reading your posts.

Some do, Some don’t… Website address needs to be on all marketing materials without exception… Keep It Simple…

Simple answer is I don’t have a website yet. I’m the process of having one made but needed the door hangers right away.

Easy way around that is create either a FB business page or Google business page and use that as your web page for now. :+1:

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I think you nailed it.

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Or get bitched at in gated neighborhoods

That’s what I’ve been doing…using my FB business page as my website.

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Thanks for the feedback Steve!

Buy a domain for $5 and have it redirected to your FB page


Are Facebook business pages publicly accessible or does one need a FB account to view them?

I believe you have to have an account. I had one customer unable to leave me a review because they did not have a Facebook account. Now, I do not know if they just didn’t try, but instead was just assuming they could not.

You can view them with out one.

Can’t leave a review though

If you’re having a website built, that’s great - but buy your domain NOW so you’ve got it.

Put it on ALL of your marketing and do a redirect as @Patriotspwashing suggested.

(Website $10. Hosting $5 per month. Redirection free).

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Admittedly this is an area that I’m unfamiliar with. Thank you for your guidance…it is much appreciated!

I’m the same way. I send people to my Facebook business page. They see all my work on that. Page. By the way my name is Dennis Vassar. Thanks for having me.


That’s one avenue to have covered, but your website is KING.

Facebook won’t get you ranked on a Google search - which is where the majority of people go to look for a service, not Facebook :slight_smile:

You might as well upload your images to Google at the same time as Facebook if you’re in the habit of posting pics etc :+1:t2:


Yes I’m on Google too. I get alot of views on and traffic. I keep updating photos of different jobs.

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Any suggestions of who to buy the domain name through? So many options out there… @Patriotspwashing

I’ve always liked bluehost.

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I buy mine through GoDaddy.

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