Do you use MMA to market your business?

No, not mixed martial arts. I mean multi media advertising!

Join Anya Curry of Ambidextrous Services this Thursday, May 2 in this members only webinar covering advanced techniques for web domination. Registration is in the member section. Spots are limited so register NOW!

The next scheduled webinar will be May 16. Learn how to build business credit the right way.

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Traditional multimedia advertising involves paying for campaigns across multiple outlets: tv, radio, newspapers, magazines, websites, and pay-per-click. Traditional is over.

In this webinar by Anya Curry of Ambidextrous Services you will learn HOW AND WHY you should use your own multimedia: Videos, Pictures, Sound Bytes, Logo, & even Your Face to gain traction in organic search engine placements across the web.

As Thad said this is a members only webinar. We are making it a PWRA Members only, not WCRA just as a heads up!

Thad, her webinar is May 16th?

After I posted this I think hers is May 2nd…right?

[MENTION=1400]Clear Shine Maintenance[/MENTION]

Yep Jeremy PWRA members only - May 2nd

You can register here:�-give-your-business-fighting-chance-multimedia-advertising.html