
Hey Racer, do you think this is a service I could be offering if I don’t bring my own water? I have only had experience hooking up to homes and buildings.

Sure Bill, throw that in my face! :worried: my trip to the shore is going to get cancelled this year.

I read that last night, but they didn’t mention any effect of sunlight while on the surfaces (since it’s a lab setting and they are controlling variables). THe cardboard was a new one. People were worried that the packages from China could hold the virus, and they were told not to worry. Guess stuff in a box, on a pallet, in a shipping container, in the dark might be dangerous?

Another site with a virus wizard said if it wasn’t in your house yesterday, disinfect it before brining it inside. standard viral protocols.


So using the word sanitation is ok? As in…
Sanitize your home exterior

Nope! Some people are just young and sick

It’s the most needed thing…there are only so many ventilators. We will be fine if 100,000 get this in GA and need ventilators. We will not be okay if even half that amount needs it on the same day. Lots of people are going to die if we don’t flatten this curve to controllable levels :frowning:


Mary, you are a wonder. SH is not listed until the 2 and later pages. Different companies are listed with different claims but it is something I think we can “share” with a customer if they ask about it. One of your previous references talked about the definition of what a pest is. I was surprised to see mildew and other organics listed as pests. Thanks again for all the support you provide us.


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In other words,you’re kinda gonna save the lives of people,no either do it right or dont do it at all