
With the coronavirus causing such a panic…has anybody thought about marketing disinfecting services? Wouldnt be any different than what we normally do with 1% SH.

Sounds like something that should be left to government or health care organizations.

I sure don’t want to be blamed for Grandpa Freddy dying after I “disinfected”


The simple solution is everywhere you see disinfectants, notice how they all say 99.9% removal? “Ah must have been that .1% that killed grandpa Willie”

Yes I’m already cashing in on it already.

SH will oxidse anything organic, but doesn’t penetrate very well. Remember it also degrades wood and metals etc … so leaving it to kill topically is not a good idea. I’m still baffled it’s what everyone in PW uses.

Quaternary ammonium chloride is what you want. Also wont kill you like sh if sprayed on piss or other amonionated salts, wont turn shiny things Matte like sh either. Safe for every surface including your olive garden plates and forks. They can disinfect immediately unlike sh that can take over 10 minutes.

I’ll stop here for now. Lol

Sell it as an add on.

Any dr will tell you best solution is still sopanification, agitation, and rinse.

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And spray it on what?

Please elaborate. If that is what you use instead of SH, how do you buy it, how do you use it, what do you mix with it.

I did a small bit of googling, and all I can find (so far) is that it is the stuff in hand sanitizers and wipes.


You are talking about QUATs like Wet and Forget. From what I have read, this does not make instant results, but weeks or months and just continually keeps attacking. If I remember correctly, this is why @CaCO3Girl is not a fan of the stuff… Doesn’t work fast and wreaks having on the surrounding environment for a long time.


Also per @CaCO3Girl, if you make a claim to “kill” anything, that’s a pesticidal claim, and requires special licensing.

That said, if I got a call Monday from the local elementary school to come wash down their pvc playground equipment, you’d bet I’d be there, and at a discounted rate. I just wouldn’t make any “claims” or “guarantees”. It’s also not a service I would advertise.


FYI, not all quats are killing this. The EPA has gone through their pesticide files and found that these items can actually get this virus:


um, I think you meant saponification and that’s just turning fat into soap through an alkaline process.

Only valid on hard non porous surfaces…won’t work on cement, asphalt, etc. read the label. And if you don’t use it exactly as described on the label, and they mean exactly, and if you make no further claims beyond the label, then you will be okay. Any variation from the above can result in a very stiff fine based on FIFRA law.

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It can kill certain things fast, but only on non porous surfaces. In your line of work yes it takes weeks to do its job and it does say right on the label not to release it into the environment

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I’m surprised vital oxide isn’t on that list


Asked this in the forums, with no response. What about NaDCC vs. NaOCI? I see UK uses it instead of SH. Algea seems hit or miss, but works on everything else they say and less corrosive.

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If you spray this stuff on an inch of mold with out pressure washing ( like in the videos they have ) yes to fully penetrate through it could take weeks. If you powerwash and then apply like we are all doing then it will kill almost instantly and way faster than bleach.

“wreaks havok on surrounding environment for a long time”? What kind of havok( is that what you meant ? ) do quats do?

SH on the other hand DOES degrade and wreak havok on environment for a long time, thats how come you guys and spray it as post and it continues to “burn/degrade yes basses can etch like acids” the concrete and make it look whiter.

Yes the word KILL can get you in trouble, use the word “Sanitize” which means 99.9 NOT 100% like disenfect

yes i spelled it wrong, thanks for spelling it correctly for me. Yes my point is dr’s will tell you wash your hands!

To further my point, I was saying still the best way to get rid of it is to do what everyone on here is already doing, wash the surface.

Blockquote “Only valid on hard non porous surfaces…won’t work on cement, asphalt, etc. read the label. And if you don’t use it exactly as described on the label, and they mean exactly, and if you make no further claims beyond the label, then you will be okay. Any variation from the above can result in a very stiff fine based on FIFRA law.”

that is wrong, quats and everything in that list from the epa DOES sanitize the SURFACE of even NON porus surface… as for the stuff below the surface, no nothing will ever be able to claim the whole slab of concrete 3 inches thick is sanitized but the surface is!

@CaCO3Girl whats your theory on using hyrdogen peroxide instead of bleach for what guys use it for here?

Man, please just go away.


Even if it worked as well the cost of it doesn’t make it feasible. The basic 3% wouldn’t work when down streamed so you’d have to purchase the stronger 15% or 32%. There’s a reason why pretty much everyone uses SH. It’s because nothing else works as well to kill organics like algae, mildew, leaf tannins, etc. Not to mention it’s readily available and low cost.


Please provide the EPA pesticide number of the product you are using. Then I can pull the master label from the EPA database and point out where everything I have said is true.

You really should research what you put into the environment, as well as if the item you are using can actually kill the organism you are being paid to “sanitize”.

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Pesticide law defines a “pesticide” (with certain minor exceptions) as:

  • Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest.

In other words, if you claim to remove mold, or remove a virus (even 99.9% of the virus) you ARE making a pesticidal claim.

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That it will be about 33% as effective for about three times the price of SH.