Desperately need help with this

6% wouldn’t help in this case??? It might be overkill but this particular situation could use it… and its an easy mix to explain to somebody asking for help who has 12.5 on hand. and thats not real wood so why wouldn’t you put 6% on that siding? Whats going to happen?

I’m a contractor and I use gain all the time. If you want to go out of your way to buy a special surfactant so you can feel more professional, i understand. I even agree that it IS more professional, which is why I included the part about "pros’ using certain products, but to say gain doesn’t belong on a jobsite is just you being smug. Ive used it all, gain works fine. Better than most, actually.

This forum sucks. Everything you say you get a bunch of wannabe professionals talking down to you so they can feel like they’re the best at their craft. Which is washing houses, btw.


Every time you come on here you get all upset. You have to realize that you probably know how to be professional. There are a lot of new guys showing up on the forum all the time and they don’t need to be seen lugging around a big jug of Gain. Would be like a window cleaner showing up with a bottle of Windex. It just looks bad. This forum helps teach new guys how not to be hacks. There’s a reason why almost everyone who sticks around ends up running a very successful business. Looking and acting professionally has a lot to do with it.


The world is in a pandemic at the moment, there has been a lot of restrictions placed on us that hamper our everyday lives, but logging out of this forum and joining another one I believe still has the green light.


If the forum sucks, leave. You give bad advice, are unprofessional and don’t follow form rules. There is nothing to be "gain"ed by your presence here.


He asked for advice. He got advice. He didn’t like the advice because apparently he just want someone to tell him he’s right. Now it’s the forums fault ??

Well I’ll be dipped. All this time I’ve been wondering what I am supposed to be washing. Thanks, man! :+1:

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Sorry to say guys.

But power washing has turned into the new landscaping…