I was asked earlier today to quote cleaning a parking area at a startup church. There’s some light building cleaning that I feel comfortable with do that they asked for a quote for as well. But I’m not versed in cleaning grease or oil from flat work. I’ll have to read up on that here later this evening. There’s a concrete pad area that has some oil stains on it, however it is right next to an asphalt driveway / parking lot. My main question is: Should I be concerned about a degreaser damaging the asphalt?
Theres rust too,prewet the asphalt and dont let anything dry on it,should be just fine,rinse the asphalt several times throughout your operation.i would use a torch on that stain to get rid of new oil then put kitty litter on it and rub it in,let it sit for a week then come back and use degreaser,hot water,let it dry then use oxalic or barc for rust,be gentle with the heat(with the torch),or it will "spall"the concrete
I see in the distance alot of that sidewalk has irrigation,sprinkler rust stains,too
The surrounding landscape is red clay, so I’m hoping that the stains are not rust and actually the red clay spilling over when it rains.
To my understand red clay and rust stains go hand in hand and due to the iron in the clay it’s actually a rust stain… either way both require acids to clean up
Heat would help
What kind of acid would be used to clean it off concrete ? I’ve got a similar job where a large driveway has a Low spot where clay runs off into. Same clay is on the white vinyl siding. I’ve tried a rust remover and it works for the siding. I don’t think it’s strong enough for the concrete though.
I think most will try oxalic first and if that’s not touching it they’ll go to f9 barc next… but when doing it on concrete lots of times it’ll make that spot lighter than the rest so it needs to be blended well or the whole thing needs to be treated
Thanks everyone. I submitted a bid yesterday evening. The customer had requested a monthly washing of all the concrete as well as a hosing down/blowing off of the asphalt area. I took the liberty to also provide quotes on softwashing the two buildings on the property.
Let me know if you get it and I’ll let you know what you need to do. Don’t worry about the asphalt.