Deck Cleaning 101

Sorry I’m just seeing this now, don’t forget to put a @ in front of the person’s name that you are talking to if you aren’t directly replying to there comment or thread. You can get oxalic, citric acid, sodium hydroxide, and sodium percarbonate off if you can’t find a local chemical distributor. SH can be found anywhere from local pool stores to Canadian Tire. Degreasers like zep purple can be found at any hardware store and you can get EBC at Sherwin Williams. If they don’t carry it ask them. If they aren’t capable of doing so, send EBC an email and they’ll contact the store and get you set up. The only thing that we aren’t able to buy in Canada are surfactants for house washing. Some people use EBC as a surfactant but I wouldn’t use it for house washing because it’s a degreaser and it has no scent. I don’t feel comfortable using a degreaser as a surfactant to wash houses due to oxidation.