Concrete stain after sh and nmd80

That would make chlorine gas.

What Happens When You Mix Bleach and Vinegar

One of the main ingredients in bleach is sodium hypochlorite, which is a base, Dr. Biberdorf says. Vinegar is an acid (in fact, it’s known as acetic acid). So when bleach is mixed with vinegar, the sodium hypochlorite takes a proton from the vinegar, and that reaction generates hypochlorous acid.

The hypochlorous acid then reacts with the rest of the vinegar, Dr. Biberdorf continues. Because hypochlorous acid is something that’s called an oxidizing agent, it takes electrons from whatever it comes into contact with. “This is why bleach is so good at removing stains,” she explains. When the chlorine atom in the hypochlorous acid takes electrons from the vinegar, chlorine gas is formed.

[Why You Shouldn’t Mix Bleach with Vinegar](,that%20reaction%20generates%20hypochlorous%20acid.&text=When%20the%20chlorine%20atom%20in,vinegar%2C%20chlorine%20gas%20is%20formed.)


My bad, didn’t read the comment close enough. The sh had been and rinsed for days.

So NMD80 can burn a stain in concrete? Will pre-wetting the concrete be enough to prevent this?

Hydrochloric Acid 7647-01-0 < 80.0 *
Balance Trade secret Balance

Google acid attack. Many people on here spray acids on concrete, acid isn’t good for concrete. You have to make sure to balance the ph at the end. I’m not a concrete guru, but I have read one or two things on the internet. Besides, I have stayed at a holiday inn express on numerous occassions…

Most people just go with the standard dilution is the solution and put lots of water on it. Not saying that this is technically correct, but if it lowers the PH then the acid attack cannot occur. IT is like SH and ashalt, I prewet new asphalt by the house before I DS, because if I don’t, it is going to possibly leave a stain. Then when I am done I thoroughly rinse the asphalt. I don’t wait until I am done cleaning the whole house and the sidewalks to do it, it is too late then.