Hi All,
I have a large job coming up this week for a municipal (County in the States) recycling facility and just wanted to get some feed back. Although I feel confident with the knowledge I’ve gained throughout this forum I tend to second guess myself in uncharted waters.
The flatwork is 9500sqft and they want the grime off the metal inside walls. I’ve got every variation of chemical, which I plan to spot test, but just wanted to see what you guys think.
I’ve got a 4gpm 4400psi machine, recently bought a surface cleaner, not much flatwork around here. Ive got 2503 nozzles putting out approx 2800psi and 2504s putting out about 2100. Suggested psi varies I’ve saw 1200psi to 3000, would these nozzles be ok?
As for chemicals I have local degreasers which contain Potassium Hyd and some that contain Sodium Hyd. I also have straight potassium hyd and powdered caustic soda. I may use a foamer with a lighter Chem (zep) for the metal walls. Plan was to use my heavy duty degreaser for the flatwork.
This was a recycling facility for electronics and various other recycled items other than cans/bottles. Would PotHyd or SodHyd work better?
If I decide to use a of the shelf degreaser, applied with my 12v, can I add powdered caustic soda or straight liquid PotHyd to the of the shelf chem to give it more strength if needed?
Would you suggest to use 2100psi or 2800psi? SC came with 2502 nozzles but that puts out about 4300psi. I could dial down the unloader/pressure regulator if needed.
Thank you for your time!