Commercial Jobs

Does anyone use a letter template that they mail to commercial buildings that they have had success with?

You’re going to have to be more specific. Like a pre-written text describing your company? Or something written with your bussiness’ letter head on it?

Like a letter that is going to make them actually call. I guess how do you go about pitching it?

No such thing

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Everything is a numbers game…try a couple different ones and see if you can see what moves the needle a tick higher on conversion, but that’s about it.

Truthfully if you’re hoping to send out a bunch of letters you can likely bet on getting zero responses unless your sending out hundreds of mailers

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Yeah, it is a numbers game…but the numbers need to be large…

Commercial businesses don’t read junk mail. I’m not being harsh it’s just the reality of a business marketing to another business. Unless they receive an actual envelope it goes in the trash. Walk in, explain what an eye sore it is and leave your card.

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Nearly all of my commercial work has come from a previous customer I did residential work for. I can only think of three calls where they found me on the internet and asked for a bid. I don’t intentionally seek out the commercial work, but I’m happy to take the call and meet them to see if the project is something I want to do.

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