Commercial Auto Insurance

Also piercing the veil is usually about poorly worded operating agreements. But that being said add in an “adversarial member section”. If any member is sued or legally required to give up control, assets or profits that member no longer receives any profits, all debt incurred by the company is the new parties responsibility until they sign over rights to other members.

That right there will stop most people when they look hard. Most attorneys won’t recommend that action. Cus I’m going to slam them with a $50K custom rig ASAP.

I worked with a guy who was always waiting to get rear ended or hit by a company vehicle just so he could go flop on the ground and grab his neck or something. There are people waiting for the opportunity to get free settlement money out there. And there are people who will lie and fake to do it. Better to be safe than sorry

I hear you, there are many ways to skin a cat. I’ve had the luck to see some of the biggest shysters in action. My favorite was the atty who ALLEGEDLY liked to be paid in cocaine, you know that guy’s ethics were beyond reproach. I lived by shark central (philly PA) those guys/gals loved destroying people. IF a city bus wrecks in Philly watch the video of all the people running onto the bus after the wreck. Never knew a bus could hold that many people.

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