College Football 2020 CoronaBall

It’s that time of the year again, gents! Let’s get this party started!

Looks like the Big 10 and PAC 12 are holding firm on their decision to be big babies and not play the foosball this year. So, the SEC, Big 12 and ACC are all we get.

Who’s your team and what do you think their season holds in store for them?

You gotta ask?!!

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I’m fully on board with giving Tebow another four years of eligibility lol


I have never watched a football game on tv, or in person for that matter. If covid does nothing more than get sports off of tv I think I could almost live with the consequences of what it has done to the economy and whatnot.


Different strokes for different folks, I guess. You like Nascar and you couldn’t pay me to sit down and watch cars make four left turns for hours on end.

see, what you do is watch the first ten laps, doze off and wake up when your son hollers “trouble in turn 2”


Go to Bristol for a race and I bet you’ll change your mind about Nascar. Preferably the night race. There’s just nothing like Bristol. You can hear/feel the engines in your bones. If you like engines at all you’d love it. At the very minimum you’ll like it in person. It’s a good time. Bristol night race should be on everyone’s bucket list. I’m being serious too. I don’t really watch it anymore though. I use to love watching football but I don’t really do that anymore either.

NASCAR has some of the best tailgating too. I’m not a nascar fan but that’s some good tailgating.

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Im actually from the tri-cities, bristol, kingsport, and Johnson city. Bristol racetrack is awesome! Just the environment around it is incredibly fun and you have the dragstrip if into that too! I definitely recommend everyone visit

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What color nozzle do I use for football and basket ball . I only ask this because I don’t watch sports or else I would probably know . :grinning:

Hey man! It isn’t nice, and not PC, to show dysfunctional kids who can’t clap right. Geez, this is 2020. Poor kids, someone even made them dress similarly.

I think they were doing a shark bite thing or something, not clapping.

The big ten school closest to me is experiencing a large spike in corona cases right now and the reports are that they might shut the school down again (go virtual) and the local schools K-12 as well.

I don’t know, they even put a big “F” on one of the kids to mark him as a failure. How rude.

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I remember seeing that “bull” dog running for his life when Bevo lowered his horns lol



That’s the ugliest poodle I have ever seen!



We’ll be lucky to win two games.

But, hey, basketball season will soon arrive. :wink:

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