Ive seen this hose in trailer builds before where its collapsed and only a foot long or so then they pull it out and it becomes 5 feet to drain the water tank when done.
Any idea what they are called?? Cant finds it anywhere on the internet…
Ive seen this hose in trailer builds before where its collapsed and only a foot long or so then they pull it out and it becomes 5 feet to drain the water tank when done.
Any idea what they are called?? Cant finds it anywhere on the internet…
Discharge hose
Is it stiff to where you can bend it any direction and it just stays or is it more like a slinky? If it’s like a slinky try searching for accordion hose. If it’s stiff I know there’s some hose used for dust collectors called Flexform but I think the smallest diameter is 2". It’s black though so not the same thing. Rockler probably has it.
PVC or Polyethelye hose with a PVC Helix and a corrugated cover. It will come up as industrial PVC/Poly liquid suction, material handling hose and maybe even discharge hose.
I think Kisco has it by the foot https://www.kiscosales.com/
It’s not collapsible like you are thinking though. The corrugated cover just helps increase it’s bend radius. It’s not a slinky
Thanks for the replies all found it on Kisco website. @dperez thanks for the heads up it looked collapsible but now i know other wise.
Pool companies use a blue backwash hose you can just roll out.