Cleaning a Driveway

Very strong coffee and Mountain Dew. Let’s not forget king size Reeses Cups

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Dudes, I just don’t get it. Why do people act like that. And to call people who call him out meth heads? That ain’t cool.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone’s profile so full of self entitlement . I guess when nobody can brag about you , you make stuff up and brag about your self.
Based on his self written profile he’s next in line to be 007 . Or president of the world. :grinning:


If you think hes bad. Look up jim gamble on here.

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I’ve know about Jim for many years . The difference between him and Jim is I don’t think there any question Jim does the work he says he does. Now the profit for it is another thing.


You said his name three times. It’s like beetlejuice. If that cat shows up, you owe everyone a cheerwine


I completely forgot about that. I’ve doomed everyone. Crap my bad


Oh i thought he was just full of crap. I would like to make 40,000 in one day​:joy::joy::joy:. The man even went and got his money out just to show yall lol

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Amazon play money?! :zipper_mouth_face:

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I don’t doubt the guy makes money. That equipment he has comes with a huge price tag . If he could get past the all the crazy stuff theirs probably a lot of knowledge to give . But probably not going to happen

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Yeah but he doesnt give it.

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There are a few here like that still but they seem to come and go. Seems like there are only a few regulars here but they are the only ones that truly help.

Interesting reading after the search I did.

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Hes copying my profile pic.


@TWCSLLC Must be from California…

Did you ever post the video of the mondo?

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Not yet, I’ll try to get done in next few days if I ever get one off.

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Cool thanks. I’d like to see it in action. I can only find two videos on YouTube and neither one are that great.

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@Racer I just watched this video again and noticed the comment about “selling the homeowner on the post treat.” Do you upcharge on the post treat? If so, how much more, if I may ask?

Also, what tip was that you were using on the post treat?