Clean Water Act- $50,000 fines

I am in the process of seriously considering starting a pressure washing business. However there is one area holding me back which I can’t figure out…the clear water act.

I live in Hawaii, (v Blue state) and they take this act very seriously. No wastewater or chemicals are allowed down ANY storm drains. Businesses can get up to a $50,000 fine if this happens. But how does this work with pressure washing…especially with the chemicals used? I just think of the amount of driveways on hills with water rushing down the street…

I do see that some pressure washing companies use a water reclamation system to get around this. As a potential new business owner with a limited budget, this seems a very expensive solution.

Does anyone have any other ideas how pressure washing businesses can obey the law but at the same time keep costs down? Maybe I am just over thinking it. I don’t know. What are other pressure washing business doing?

Thank you so much for any advance you can give in advance. I really appreciate it.

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Thank you! I did see that video