Chem dealers in Nebraska

Trying to locate a chem dealer in Nebraska to source SH and other chems. Does anyone have a contact close by? Would prefer to buy local if possible to avoid high shipping charges.

Hi Gary,

Where in Nebraska are you looking? We are running out of Lincoln and use a supplier out of Omaha. Depending on how much work you’re doing if there is a Menards close by you can just by the gallon’s of their pool shock. It’s 12.5% and only slightly more expensive per gallon then when we order 55gal drums.

Hey, thanks for the info. I’m out on the west end of the state. Figured I would probably have to drive to Lincoln or Omaha for chem, but I could do that cheaper than some of these shipping charges. I’m working on a start up now, hope to launch in the spring. Just trying to gather info and get my ducks in a row at this point.

No problem! I’d suggest starting out purchasing the gallons and as you grow then make the leap to 55gal drums. Feel free to text or call if you have any other questions. My cell number is 402-580-1428 (Elijah Aden). I’d love to help you get your business off the ground.

Thank you sir. I may be calling in the future for some guidance. I appreciate it.

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We should all strive to be more like you sir!
Great Attitude!

Hey Elijah, I’m sending you a pm. Was hoping you could give me a little advice.