Changes are afoot

Good morning. This may not be news to a few of you, but as of today @squidskc and I would like to announce that we have purchased this awesome forum from @Chris. Not much will change at first. Same mods will stay in place an we hope it will continue to be a place of growth and education for the contractors. We are instituting weekly drawings for prizes from vendors and a few other surprise. First up for grabs is a 5.5 gpm pressure pro. To be eligible, simple post why you need it and the most deserving entry will be chosen before midnight. Good luck and enjoy the ride.


I need it because I’m running a predator motor as my primary and only pressure washer! And now that I lost my job and am a full timer it’s imperative that my equipment run!

Congrats on the purchase!

Don’t give me a hard time about the predator lol


Pervoe aprelya

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Good luck guys :+1:t2:

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Wow. That is a bombshell of an announcement.

I can’t think of two better folks to steward this forum into the next chapter. Congrats.

I have been building my business off of a 4 gpm machine. She hums but it is really slow work. I’d like a machine upgrade to live us to my name of Mr Pressure Washer.


Congratulations!! I need it because this is my primary source of income. And to get started I purchased a used unit so I could afford everything I needed and still have a good beginning setup. It got below freezing last night, and the night before that here in west KY. So I went out to drain my system and noticed that my oil in my pump was milky. I haven’t been in business long enough to have a large amount of money set aside for break downs. For now my fingers are crossed trying to figure out my next step. Business is going well though, so if I can limp through a few more washes changing oil and whatnot I’m thinking I’m going to tackle this pump.

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April fools​:scream::wink::grin:


Come on guys.

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Congrats guys,that’s awesome.
As far as the 5.5,it would be a great machine for washing houses while my son is on the 4/4 doing flat work.I have 6 houses on the schedule for the week of April 15th, so that will be one of my first upgrades regardless of a contest,so again,congratulations!

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Alas, I’ve been had! Good one!


Awesome lmoa


Wow really never expected that from the grumpy :rage: guy got me though

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I would use the 5.6 gpm machine as a secondary unit to my current 5.6 set up. I would use both machines at the same time (solo operator) and one machine would soap and one machine would rinse, might even be able to use both hands and soap and rinse different parts of house at same time. Dragging two hose will take a little time, but the time i will save by having one machine in bypass and waiting to be used will be awesome, no more going back to truck to pull soap hose for rinsing. It will be a perfect set up.

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Damn, I got sucked right in. Read the whole post.

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Your pump oil is mikly most likely to water getting in.

99% of the time its a crack in the oil cap.


Thanks that’s what I have read already but always nice to have it confirmed I’m going through all the normal suspects before getting radical not too worried I’ve rebuilt my share of engines under the shade tree this pump won’t get me if I have to go that far.

I see some banning in the future :crossed_fingers:


Wow, almost had me for sure!


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