Chalky white discolor after rust stain removal any way to fix this ?
Is that chatahoochee stone ? pebble finish ? resin set ?
Expose aggregate … drive way had reel bad rust stain cleaned it and came out like that …
Could I use some kind of brown tint sealer to give it some color back ?
Looks like the driveway was stained with color.
The acid in the rust remover may have taken the color out.
You think it might help bring the color back
It looks like the sealer got some water on it before it dried in that area.
We have tons of exposed aggreegate here.
We see that here too, sealer was applied before the concrete was ready.
No there was bad rust in those areas …doesn’t have anything to do with the sealer… I am just asking if a tinted sealer will help bring the color back ?
What did you use?
If you used f9, call or email Craig. I just fix the same problem. He talked me through it. My problem was the size of a coffee pot.
Use some f9
How did You fix it
Used f9 calcium and efflorescence remover, worked it in with a stiff wire brush, the followed up with double eagle nutralizer / degreaser . It took 3 coats with that process. It took time but it worked.
You didn’t follow the directions. They’re right on the bottle. You didn’t rinse after you applied. You can try a strong rinse on it, may work. If not, see @Roaddogtx comment above. You can use another degreaser, don’t have to use the double eagle but it does work.
So you work the f9 in with a brush? Did you pre wet ? Did you pump spray the degreaser on the. Pressure washed
I have some ebc degreaser that I can use …
Sorry about the missed small details. I wrote this all down and don’t have it in front of me.I used two zep spray bottles 1 for each. I did not prewet , then I PW after the nutralizer. Craig was super nice I sent him a pic, and he was very willing to help.
Can you message me his contact info ?
Best way to contact him is message him on FB