no chemical is allowed to flow into that pond
Soviet Bunker?
Why is that?? Just curious. Water is a chemical like everything else. Otherwise, price accordingly, follow the rules & feel free to walk away.
use only sh, and don’t rinse.
I assume they don’t want fish killed
my rules are like most people’s rules: time x rate.
unfortunately, I honestly don’t know what much time this will take
Oh…my…goodness. It’s like the PW holy grail.
I can dig it! I wouldn’t want to kill the fish either. Looks like as long as you have a solid plan for the 1st story walls on the camera facing side, the rest should be cake as long as you have a solid game plan & the runoff from the other levels doesn’t automatically go exactly where nobody wants it to. I’d love to tackle that job! I wouldn’t be cheap. Make sure they understand it’s a huge job & make sure you charge enough to make sure you are happy to carry out the service. And make sure you are prepared to deliver the groceries if they should decide to pull the trigger on it.
What pond? You mean that mud hole on the left?
Also, make sure your insurance covers that project. Looks to be a 5 levels, commercial.
That whole job is like a bad driveway that you can’t use a surface cleaner on. Clean it like stucco, 3%, dwell, rinse and maybe repeat. That place looks like the wind swirls back there and that may cause some pretty toxic fumes to linger in heavy concentration. When I zoom back to the left, I see the thing is simply huge.
Looks like an awful lot of patio mess to deal with like plants. Ladder access, scheduling, run off. Do you have a size or a satellite pic?
No, this is the gold looking grail that the bad guy from Indiana Jones 3 drank from and died. I would pass on this one I think.