Can I mount pressure washer above my buffer tank?

Can I mount an 8gpm belt driven pressure washer above the water outlet of my buffer tank? I would like to mount it in the top of the diamond plate tool box which would be approximately 2.5 feet higher than the water line when my buffer tank is not completely full.

I know a belt driven machine will pull water from a tank but if it’s mounted up on the railing of my trailer what keeps it from running empty before it is primed?

Yes you can. Mine are all about 3.5 feet above the bottom of my tank

Do you need to prime it before you start the pressure washer? I’ve always heard you should never run the pump dry.

Just make sure you make a frame around the tool box first. If you mount it directly to the box it will onlyy last a week or two beforee it shakes itself to pieces

Thank you i was thining about creating a frame out of angle iron to support the weight.

You prime it by turning the key. If you have a good pump it won’t hurt to run it dry every once in a while but once it is primed, it will stay primed.

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Just make a frame the length of the boxand mount to trailer floor or something. Angle iron is no good for that. Use square tubing

Sounds easy enough. I taught myself to weld while working on this project. Thanks for your help!