This is a Water Blaster 4200psi 4gm. AAA Triplex pump
I have a similar pressure washer that I have been able to use a bypass hose to my tank when I’m off the trigger— but I picked up this machine that I thought was the same but isn’t.
When I removed the #1 hex it also caused the unloader to get loose and wobble so I know that isn’t right.
It has a thermal relief valve built in for pressure and where I thought I could add a 1/4 in. mnpt to barb, there was a valve attached to the hex screw.
Is there ANY way to adda bypass hose to tank to keep it cool without adding an additional external unloader kit with bypass capability?
Thanks for the quick reply!
I was pretty sure I couldn’t.
Are my options an additional exterior unloader or changing it to an unloader with a bypass? Will a bypass hose from the unloader still work with a thermal relief valve?
I was just confused as it says BYPASS.
To be honest I’m not sure about that. I was told that you need to switch out the pump altogether. I had same issue with 4gpm AAA pump on Honda 390. Maybe someone on here with more knowledge will chime in but I’m pretty sure it needs to be replaced. With that I’ll ask one last source about it and get back to you.
I’m gonna say you can put a barb on the ‘bypass’ that will shoot down into a hose to a buffer tank, remove the brass supply stuff underneath and run the supply hose from the tank straight into the pump with another barb.
It looks like you can replace the entire bottom section on its own - Looks like you need an adapter to replace the lower banjo bolt which will take your inlet water filter. That will then leave you with the bypass outlet to use however you need.
The existing bottom part should just be a simple three-port manifold with nothing more than a hole going through it.