Can a chem injector be used for low pressure?

I was thinking how we use chem injectors for our pressure rig, but is it possible to have a chem injector set up for our low pressure softwash setup? I know the suction force would be an issue, but what if the chem tank was elevated and it was a down flow into the line? Has anyone ever tried? It would be nice to save on pump replacements.

You can low pressure wash with a pressure washer at the same pressure or lower than fancy 12-volt systems or are supplied systems

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LOL, too late I already have one that I built. I like it over using my pressure washer for a few reasons.

One of the advantages of a 12v system is being able to run a hotter mix when needed. Using an injector wouldn’t give you that option. Not sure if its possible, but that reason alone would make me not interested in running an injector on my 12v system.


Only reason I can think of is adding a second chemical without batch mixing?