My question to everyone is do you think its worth spending the extra $$ and getting the 5518 model or the 5522 model for more room. On average I use about 200ft per house wash and keep an additional 50ft on the truck for those moments when that wont suffice.
Last question since my space is limited on the trailer when bumping up to the 5518 or 5520 does the reel get taller or wider?
I would definitely go with the 18". Here are mine, blow up pic and you can see how much room left on reels. I’m running 200’ 3/8 - 225’ of 5/8 and about 280’ of 1/2". As you can see the water at 225 is pretty full. Part of reason I haven’t gone to 3/4 yet is I could only run 150 if you look at chart.