Buyer for life... cant recommend enough

If you want to make a ■■■■ ton of money just put on a backyard bbq competition. Most of us started in backyard I still love to compete in them. Some of the best people you will ever meet. I can set you up. I know 30-40 backyard guys that live to do it. 200 entry fee bring your own meat competition sells tickets to taste. You do the math 10k weekend easy


That is a big smoker.

Wow that’s serious business. I knew a guy in the oilfield that did very well just feeding people on location for safety meetings and corporate stuff. His setup was insane but it didn’t have all of the amenities that yours does.

Ahh heck man. I do way more washing than polishing. Got 150 full time trucks to wash every month all year ,6 clients plus some drifters every so often. We do 4 or 5 polishes a summer ,bout 10,15 more during the winter…I get ya though, it’s not for everyone

That trailer has been a long time in the making

It started out just welded to a tiny trailer that was not fun to pull

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I’ve thought about hitting you up to come help and learn just to see what it’s all about. I really want to go another direction with my business but it would still be incredible to learn

You got huge trucking in Batesville @DisplacedTexan . Omp and bad boy mowers alone would make you six figures a year.

Pellet grills/smokers are so easy. I have had a couple different Traegers in the past. Upgraded to a Yoder smoker awhile back. Things are amazing

Sold… You had me at YODER. I live in Mennoniteville. Lol

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That’s over 4 hours from me though. There’s too much money to be made right here in Northwest Arkansas for me to want to drive very far. Now as I grow that could change. I wouldn’t mind setting a couple guys up out there just to wash for me.

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Ugh ,your right, thought you were closer. My bad @DisplacedTexan

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No worries amigo!