Building lights and Gutter Butter?

Hey guys and gals. Question about this job coming up that I secured from cleaning the owners home.
Are these kinds of outdoor light ok to take a pressure washer spray from the ground?
I was thinking about DS ing gutter butter for the aluminum siding. I’m afraid of what SH might do. What are your thoughts? Around 10k sqft of surface to pressure wash.
Thanks in advance

I wouldn’t advise blasting it. I’ve ruined many with just low pressure. I just wash around them and tell the owners I have no way of knowing if there still water tight. Check that they work or not prior to washing and take photos.


I would use a cobweb brush and clean around them, put a bag over them and then have the customer turn the power off to them. Leave them off for 24 hours after you wash.

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I’m going to visit the night before to ensure which ones on working order, great idea

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Not so sure I would use Gutter Butter unless you know it’ll be okay. If there isn’t any organic growth I would just use surfactant. Although, SH would help with the cobwebs.

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just surfactant? Downstreamed? would you DS straight? I’ve never washed with just Surfactant.

Just use the same amount you would in a regular house wash mix. If you normally put sh and your surfactant in a bucket just put water in place of the sh.

You can give the Gutter Butter a try but I would test for sure. It shouldn’t be an issue if you ds it I just don’t know how much it’ll help anymore than surfactant. Gutter Butter’s main ingredient is Sodium Metasilicate. I assume it’s the same as Gutter Grenade. I’ve neve used GB before but I know GG can strip paint if you aren’t careful. Your not going to have that issue down streaming it though.

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No, ounce per gallon of water is what I do when it comes to just using soap.


First, don’t use gutter butter unless you want to hand brush all that siding because it will remove some of the oxidation. It’s a commercial building, spray the darn thing with your hw mix. Not going to hurt those lights, long as they’re not on when you wash them. I’ve never done, seen or heard of wrapping a light fixture like that ever. Just treat like you would a floodlight on the corner of a house and hit with your shooter tip or something like that.