Buffer tank Option?

The most important thing you need to do is fix that bypass you have set up currently :+1:t2:

Please elaborate. I’m still new and learning. Thanks in advance.

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Sure. It’s probably better if you do a few searches, but…

The short black hose looping from the unloader back to the inlet is called your bypass. So when you’re off the trigger, this loop is activated and the water runs around this loop and your pump continuously.

Problem is, that loop is only good enough for about 60 seconds once the machine is warmed up. It will get hot. In your case - you have to press the trigger and let more water through the pump to cool it, or it will blow the seals or worse.

Now you’ve put the tank in the back, the lower hole gets blocked up and the top hose (it says bypass on the unloader itself) has to go to the top of your tank.

This way, you are using the whole tank as a radiator to cool the pump. You can leave it off trigger until the tank runs out if petrol this way!

I have to go to bed (Australia). Have a read on how to do it. Not only will it save your pump - it’s imperiative that you can be off the trigger :+1:t2:


Thank you!

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