Boat condo job fell into my lap. Would you do it? Input appreciated


I am currently waiting to do the project as he wants his house washed first otherwise I’d be guts deep in that already playing like a kid in mud! Have that scheduled for Wednesday. Will begin Thursday on this.

My sign guy is Vistaprint hahahahahah so no luck there. I’m looking around home depot currently trying to find something Just kind of getting my ducks in a row and researching beforehand.

The plan had always been to bring all the tools in my arsenal and see how it goes. Might even take the xjet out just in case I need a stronger mix than what my DI can do with 7.5. will definitely bring a few more things from home depot and give it the old college try

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Oh roger that, thanks Rick

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Good for me…bad for you…I work on that ferry. Gonna tape a kilo of Columbian bam bam under your work truck :joy:

This time of year it would be a great 3 day cruise though. Been absolutely great weather. When you do that bring a 275 tote of SH for me so i can stop buying 3 gallon packs of Costco bleach please and thank you!

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You’ll got a Costco up there? What’s gas going for up there?

Shoot I’d get in more trouble for hauling the SH these days…

Fun fact. Juneau, Alaska has the world’s smallest Costco.

There’s a place that’s undercutting everyone at 4.25 or so while everyone else is around 4.75. Going there is like a scene from mad max thunderdome though as it only has 4 spots for vehicles. A real nightmare :rofl:

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It’s great to see you bloom from the new guy full of questions to the contractor taking on the jobs, in Alaska of all places. Props to you sir! We need more fishing photos by the way.


Dont worry, im no pro…probably just know enough to get myself into trouble!

Ugh. I hope to have some new fishing pics. My boat needs a new outboard and theres a huge shortage. Saving up my business cash to hopefully drop a new one on by the end of the summer. We will see how that goes. I need more friends with boats instead of being the friend with a boat!

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Il trade you some friends with boats for some friends that help clean the boat after a day out lol. Most of mine get a sore back 5 minutes from my driveway or they’ve left the stove on :joy::joy:


After you cover the drain then what? You still have all that water and solution that needs to go somewhere else. Unless you have a $400 drain cover most of it will still seep in unless it’s 110 degrees outside and it can ultimately evaporate. Maybe there is a combo sump/trash pump I don’t know about?

Don’t sell yourself short. You are both taking money for work, and working to offer quality service…both of these things make you a “pro” in the potential clients’ eyes.

I’m thinking you cover the drain with a vinyl or neoprene cover, throw an oil boom around the drain as well. It’s definitely a low spot so water is going to collect there like you said.

Hook a small 12v battery up to something like this that has an internal float switch so it only runs once it’s reached a certain level and use some hose to run it off to the side or maybe even just a 5 gallon bucket

Doing one building will definitely let me get a better feel for the others but that is my plan so far

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He’s only got a 4gpm machine and shouldn’t use that much water on these anyway, probably only 15 gals total soaping and rinsing per unit * 8 units is 120 gal per building that may take him most the day. Most will probably evaporate if it’s sunny. If not, his little sump pump with some hose to run to dirt at end of building and he’s good to go.


You’re right, it’s apples and oranges. I’m out here running almost 20 GPM between the AR 45 and the 8gpm PW. I need the 425cfm reclaim vac with my 58gpm transfer pump to send my water anywhere over 200 feet away. Thanks for the clarification man!

Jeez. I am but a lowly ant compared to that setup! :joy:

We all start somewhere man. Six years ago I responded to an ad on craigslist of some rich person needing pressure washing services. I ran over to their big house with my $300 2.5GPM Black max gas powered pressure washer to clean their deck. It would not start and I was determined to earn the $50 so I ran down to Home Depot and bought their “best“ gas powered pressure washer for $400 and a surface cleaner designed for electric pressure washers and much lower pressure. I came back like I was the Ish talking about I just bought Home Depot‘s best Pressure Washer! The lady told me her husband would not be impressed. I destroyed the surface cleaner before the deck was finished and also ruined her nifty little self coiling garden hose. The hose was $20 so I paid for it out of the $50 and I made $30. She had asked me if I could do the driveway which was 4x bigger than standard two car driveways and after an hour and a half I gave up on that part told her it was too big. I think I got an extra $20 for trying that and doing the front deck, so got back up to $50. Two things I learned that day. 1 never use the customers hose and 2 if the customer wants to be impressed don’t look for people to clean your property on craigslist lol.


They didn’t really want to be impressed, except by their own frugality maybe…they knew the score from the start. :wink:


@Dallsheep - you get started on that building yet? This is just like AA and we’re your accountabilty partners, lol.


Yesterday I cleaned the guys house/garage as well as another persons. Actually it was my best day yet. 1500$ Gross

While doing it my extendo wand broke so i am going to have to order a grown up one. The fricken thing got stuck half open. I have a 5.5ft bed. it was like 20ft long. What a pain in the butt to deal with. He was pleased with the work and we have agreed on one building to start. I ordered some socks, 12v pump, etc to prepare for the job but ill be working the third so it will have to wait until after then. He isnt in a hurry and is just excited to get it done sometime this summer.

In good/bad news the job that wanted me to clean a 27,000 square foot roof, and an 18,000 square foot roof that i obscenely overbid because i didnt want to do has contacted me and said that hes going to get back with me after he gets back from vacation so my dance card might be filled up for a bit. @TheWizard This is putting a dent in my fishing time but paid off pressurewashing equipment and a new outboard by the end of the season would be nice too!


I don’t know what an extendo wand is but if it is the long yellow wand of death you need to go slam your hand in the truck door. You don’t ever need a wand over about 6ft long. A six inch wand will serve you 99.9999 % of the time

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