Bleach pump guinea pig

I mean, it’s definitely just a pipe dream. But I think it would be the equivalent of making the first “shooter tip” for low pressure systems. I don’t think either Doug or Guy have retired yet from their shooter tip sales though

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Interesting concept. I take it the straws in the jar straighten out any turbulence while still allowing enough flow for a laminar flow effect, I’m guessing any amount of soap and the bubbles they create will disrupt the way it comes out.

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I’ve always wondered about making a shooter tip but rifle the inside. Thank that would do anything?

It’s a little out of my depth to be honest, I take it if you miniaturise something like what jake has posted you would end up with one of these with a shooter tip on the end of course working out the total area for the flow required for it to not be restrictive with the honey cone design just before the tip. A rifled tube is another interesting idea, in my head it seems like it would straighten out the flow but I just don’t know enough about flow on the level that we’re discussing here lol. image