Bio-Dry - any good?

Anyone ever use this product? I got a call today from a sales rep.

I don’t really have an immediate need for it but it would be nice to have on hand as an upsell.


Lol. 10/4. I’m pretty sure this stuff contains micro organisms that feed on petro. I could be wrong thoug

I get ya. I used to work for a drag racing team for IHRA and NHRA back in my younger days. they had a salesman come by ,who let us use a new parts washer sink n table with a lil heater . (Rolling unit) . You dumped this bag of enzymes in the unit,add water. Best oil removal I’ve ever used,I’m talking straight lucas with under a 1/3 mile on it . And no dried cracking hands after heavy use. It would etch aluminum oil pans,and heads though, if left in to long. I know from experience. Lol. @Harold

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That’s a fresh oil stain…which comes out easier. Honestly his progress pics look like crap.


I concur with the progress pics, kitty litter will do the same after 5 weeks, ground in with your boot heel,with 1 good application ,with no rain obviously