Best way to use Sodium Metasilicate & Oxalic acid

So I’ve done a wood restoration job recently. Started out using sodium metasilicate in a pump sprayer. First thing I learned it wasn’t dissolving too well in my pump sprayer, so I ended up using SH. What is the best process to do so?
What is the mixing ratio for SM & Oxalic that you’ve found works best for you?
I don’t have a hot water washer so hot water is not readily available unless I pre-mix my batches before hand. I also know It can and will explode if done incorrectly. Same with the oxalic acid. So if someone experienced can drop some knowledge on me how to do this process as effectively as possible I’d greatly appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Why doesn’t sm mix? You’re using some ghetto product try using deck restoration plus wood stripper. It’s pretty straightforward no hot water needed I think you got a bunk product

Maybe. It was the 2 pound bag on Amazon I found

Sounds like you got sodium metasilicate anhydrous. It will mix, but not as well as sodium metasilicate pentahydrate.

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I will double right now! Thanks for that!