Best soap for your body?

Does anyone have a favorite soap or method of washing their skin after spraying sh? I just did my first house (my own) last night and couldn’t get the feeling off my hands and face. I didn’t contact any not diluted chemical and never noticed any over spray on my face. Using batch mixed 12gal h2o 3gal 10% sh 2oz of eliminator applied with a roof pump. Is this normal?

Yeah, Hydrogen peroxide works great on the hands. Weekly Sunday morning trip to the sauna followed by a cold shower does wonders.

People claim they don’t get wet cleaning, that’s a lie. Can’t control the wind all the time.

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I figure good old fashioned dihydrogen monoxide is all you need, high volume, low pressure

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Whatever Walmart has for $.99.


Seriously though, it will dry you out. I don’t know that soap is what you’re looking for. I found apricot oil on Amazon and that’s what I use after I shower.

I’m 33 years old and don’t look a day over 25. Oil keeps you dapper.

Less seriously, have you tried putting car wash soap in with your body wash?

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Ivory soap

Synthetic soaps and body washes might seem a little girly and cost a few pennies more, but they make up for it a thousand times by not coating your shower in thick layers of soap scum.

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Goats milk soap, peppermint is fantastic !

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I really like Dr Squatch soap. It’s not cheap but the glycerin doesn’t get removed and sold separately like most soap manufacturers.

Apricot oil sounds interesting.

I currently use this pooch I found on Amazon

No soap scum from that, but my wife uses soaps we stock up on when we go to Disney

Teatree shampoo

Have not worked with SH much but @squidsskc is spot on. It’s not the soap but a moisturizer you should be looking for, apricot oil or any body oil would be great but can get messy. A good body lotion would work too.

The Dove soap, the one marketed to women is actually damn good lol it’s I think half or a 1/3 moisturizer so if you use that you could probably skip the oil or lotion afterwards.

I use a mixture of rendered grizzly bear fat, gun powder, and Kentucky Bourbon mixed in equal parts and slathered on my sensitive bits… Keeps me fresh and clean all day.


Lol. This deserves a like, i just dont feel right giving one

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Bear fat is in fact a great moisturizer tastes great too !! You could cook a shoe in well rendered bear fat & it would taste like filet mignon


I don’t think I’ve ever seen soap scum in my life. And the 99 cent stuff isn’t nearly as manly as you think. Lol I think I’m using suave mango mandarin at the moment. :joy:

Thanks for all the input guys. Since grizzly fat is hard to come by in the Midwest and I like leaving my gun powder for shooting, I think I’ll try something more moisturizing than my oldspice man soap.

Shawnee, Oklahoma or Kansas?

Illinois…We are on the edge of the Shawnee national Forest and SIU is the saluki dawg. I have used this screen name on every forum I’m on although all the others are car or bike related.

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That’s what we use a lot of the time. The people we got our Great Pyrenees from raise goats

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