Be Gentlemen

“Inflate Gate”. Year or two ago, the New England Patriots (a football team) got in trouble for under-inflating the the ball. This was apparently to make the ball easier to throw and catch, since it would be a little softer and easier to grip.

The meme he sent you seems like an attempt at a bit of self-deprecating humor, saying the trigger gun is just too heavy

My guess is that Brandon was upset about your comment here:

In a roundabout way, you called a piece of his father’s advice stupid, since his text message mentioned to not use a trigger gun.

Brandon maybe had a bit to drink last night, and some feelings started to surface. I totally get that.

@oHGrizzly, you have to recognize the difference between someone saying an action or choice is stupid, vs. when they call the person themselves stupid. We all do stupid stuff, either unintentionally or by bad habit. I personally would prefer to know when I’ve done something stupid, rather than have someone keep their mouth shut for fear of hurting my feelings. I’m sure that it was not @Innocentbystander’s intention to call your dad or other contractors stupid. But was just calling them out for doing something unnecessary and potentially dangerous.